Nica Elvira (2013), The
Psychosociology of Management, Addleton Publishers New York, ISBN
2. Nica Elvira (2015), Labor Market Determinants of Migration Flows
in Europe, Special Issue Sustainability Development and
Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Economies, vol 7, issue 1, 7
ianuarie 2015, pp. 634-647, ISSN 2071-1050; CODEN: SUSTDE, F.I.
3. Gh. H. Popescu, E. Nica, E. Nicolăescu, G. Lăzăroiu (2016),
China’s steel industry as a driving force for economic growth and
international competitiveness, Journal Metalurgija, Croatia, vol 55,
no. 1/2016, p. 123-126, Internet edition: ISSN 1334-2576, CD
edition: ISSN 1334-2584, Print edition:ISSN 0543-5846, F.I. 0,959,
S.R.I. 0,665
4. Nica Elvira (2012), Managementul Resurselor Umane în
Administraţia publică, Editura Economică, Bucureşti, ISBN
978-973-709-581-7, 350 pag
5. Nica Elvira, Gheorghe H. Popescu, Eugen Nicolăescu, Vlad Denis
Constantin (2014), The Effectiveness of Social Media Implementation
at Local Governement Levels, Transylvanian Review of Administrative
Sciences, Special issue, pp. .152-166, ISSN 2247 – 8310 | ISSN – L =
1842 – 2845, F.I. 0,538, http://rtsa.ro/tras/index.php/tras/article/view/418/408